Friday, February 8, 2008

A gorgeous day in Tennessee

It's amazing what a difference a couple of days makes.

Earlier this week, we watched in horror as the unbelievable force of tornadoes leveled the homes of many of our middle Tennessee neighbors. Then today I spent six hours in beautiful, clear sunshine helping my brother and his wife get moved into their home in our neighborhood. It's the middle of February but you'd swear it's the middle of springtime.

Our lives are like that, as I'm sure you know. We have times that it seems we can barely hang onto our senses at all, then in no time be enjoying an incredible peace and calm. And the other way around, slipping from serenity and harmony into severe, nerve-jangling crisis.

How wonderful to know that no matter what, God is with us. In the storms, in the calm, in the rain, and in the sun. He's there and He will carry us through anything that life brings our way.

One of the up sides of aging is learning how true that is. When I was a young adult, I was afraid that every time of adversity would be here to stay. Now that I'm approaching fifty, I know that these times will pass, that just as the storm yields eventually to a sun-filled sky, so will life regain its balance and clarity if we hang on and give the Lord time to lead us into the next chapter.

Hard times are still hard. But I rest in the Lord knowing that He will carry me through them and that "this too shall pass."

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